Our Pastor

Pastor Mark MacKillop has served as our lead pastor since April 2020. His wife Kaylyn and young daughter Mary and son Daniel serve with him as they seek to proclaim a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

“Our services are a place to come and worship our risen Savior and lift up the name of God as we invite the Holy Spirit to minister to us each time we gather. Each person, from our greeters to our singers, want to greet you warmly. You aren’t just a number here. You are a unique person made in the image of God and we delight to minister to you and your family. Our sermons are taken from the Bible and focus on what God desires from us throughout our daily living.  We invite you to enter His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with Praise! Whether you have been to church 1,000 times or if this is your first time we want you to know that we are honored to have you with us as we learn of God from his Word together.” -Pastor Mark MacKillop

Pastor Mark’s musical gifts are utilized with the Safe Harbor musicians and singers each service. You might hear him play the saxophone, bass guitar, Hammond organ, piano or lead us in singing a worship chorus. His music CD “Songs for Life” continues to touch others with the message that Jesus cares about each individual.

Kaylyn serves as a Sunday School teacher for our youth as well as other ministry responsibilities. She received her bachelor's degree from Purdue University and her master's degree from Oklahoma State. 

Pastor Mark received his bachelor's degree from Purdue University. He holds credentials with the Assemblies of God as a minister of the Gospel.

Pastor MacKillop’s father and grandfather served as Assembly of God ministers and leave a rich heritage of ministry and service to the kingdom of God. Pastor Mark was raised in San Pierre, Indiana, where his father Raymond G.  MacKillop has pastored Shiloh Assembly of God  over the past 39 years. His grandfather, R. L. MacKillop, was an Assembly of God missionary to the West Indies and a pastor to churches across the state of New York.

Pastor Mark, wife Kaylyn, Mary and Daniel MacKillop