Sunday School
Our Adult Sunday School class is taught by folks just like you that want to learn about the ways of the Lord and his precepts for our lives.
If your child would like to sit with you in our adult class for a few weeks as you get to know us we welcome that.
We welcome teens to join us in this class at this time.
Youth (Super Club)
Elementary School Age
Our Super Club class is an interactive approach to hands on learning about the Bible and the principles of the Lord.
Here they will learn the great accounts of the Bible and be invited to make a commitment to Jesus Christ.
(As of June 2023 Super Club's class is combined with the Precious Angels class.)
Youth (Precious Angels)
Ages 2-4
Our Precious Angels class is a fun time to learn and do crafts. Christian Songs for kids abound in this class of praise!
A unique Biblical lesson is taught each week with an accompanying craft